
About Us

Awareness: One of our main goals is to create awareness about the impact that climate change is having not only on the atmosphere but also on our physical health, mental health, and socioeconomic inequality around the world.

Sustainability: We embrace sustainability by reducing or impact on the environment and adopting new practices that employ natural resources in a sustainable manner.

Safety: We believe that a population that is conscious about the environment is a population
that is becoming safer.


We are focused on the climate change that the planet is going through. That is why our main objective is to not only create awareness of the environmental issues our planet and population are experiencing but also to propose solutions that can be employed to educate and foster action in our communities. We believe that an educated person is a powerful tool in our mission to create a more sustainable future for upcoming generations.

Moreover, we are driven to promote global programs that can used in any country around the world who wants to contribute to the eco-system to conserve the environment